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  My PhD Journey.....   I successfully defended my PhD dissertation on September 6, 2024, noon Central time, via Zoom at Capella University. I prepared my Power Point presentation and spoke for 20 minutes, Q & A 20 min, and then my committee (which included my faculty mentor and my two committee members) told me to mute/camera off and about 2 minutes later I came back to their smiling faces saying CONGRATULATIONS! I PASSED.  An exciting time of celebration! It was hard to focus on anything else (like working) as this phase is a huge weight off my shoulders and a new beginning, as I am now a Doctor.  I'm proud of everything so far. Very nice comments from my committee. My dissertation was approved by my committee and the Doctoral writing center with minor edits, such as APA formatting and page numbers.  It now goes on to the Dean for the final approval and publication. I wrote a poem about my experience interviewing my participants and using Zoom to auto-transcribe my interviews

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