Add a bigger log!
It's winter, and I'm sitting by a lot of fires. Reading, writing, and back to school online after my break. It can be daunting to start again, but I'm back in the groove. My hands know the routine of setting up my school folder, printing out assignments and checking in with my professor.
Other projects are always looming in the background and I had a chance to accomplish a big one over break. Our new poetry playhouse website! This has been a long-time dream and a friend of ours helped us set it up a few months ago and it's published! I am learning to update it. It inspires me for more book sales, and also showcasing more art. Eventually we'll have classes. The pandemic can be a time to reflect and work on the projects that I don't always have time for otherwise. We're about two years into the inward focus and sometimes it can be overwhelming. The website project was overwhelming, but the support has been encouraging. Elaine, our web designer was helpful and we had Zoom meetings and she recorded videos for us to reference. When I had to switch the domain name, that was the hard part, but I got through it thanks to the support emails from my domain provider and my previous website. I didn't know where to begin and started by asking questions and staying curious.
Change can be hard sometimes, but with a curious mind I keep adding twigs and fuel to the fire. Sometimes, though, I need to add a bigger log, something that will keep the burn going. That requires a leap of courage and my husband John reminded me that I needed to add a bigger log to keep the fire going. I'm using that as a metaphor for keeping on track this quarter for school, work, and for the rest of my life. Don't be afraid to take chances and embrace change. It may be scary, but there are others here to help me out and if I face my issues, I'll reap the enjoyment from them and what they teach me. Now, on to the next fire!
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