Week 10 of Class 2.

Submitted my final assignment for this quarter's class on Adult Education and Learning Theory. It feels good to be in the wrap-up, and class officially ends on Friday. A few more discussion postings and responding online to my classmates.  

Three week break until April 11th, when my research class starts (another 10 weeks). This next class will test me to see how I feel about doctoral level research and whether I ultimately stay in the program (I know I will, but it will clarify what I think about a PhD). I am building my network of a couple of classmates who will also continue on in this class, for support. During the break I have a list of personal and house/yard projects to work on. I also have a list of some school library/research things I need to organize and get familiar with. I'm still working during the day, so no break there. 

One thing I'm learning along with the class content is how to integrate learning theory into my personal teaching philosophy and instruction. This week we had to create a powerpoint presentation with graphics and do a 5 minute mini-instruction and record it. I'm learning about all the ways to do that, which can be time-consuming.  Organization and allowing time to figure things out, both in thinking about new concepts and in tech ideas is helping me pace myself.  I have to "pull" things out of me to get the concepts in my head down on paper and to write. It is similar to poetry, in that there are all these vague ideas out there and then something speaks to me to put it all together into some kind of concrete form. 

The top photo is sunrise over the Sandia Mountains (a dusting of snow, still) two days ago with temps near 70. The photo below is today when clouds moved in and the temperature dropped. Our cottonwood tree with the Sandia Mountains in the distance.  March is a time of wind and dust. Hopeful for rain.  Waiting for vaccines. In any case, spring equinox is on the way, Daylight Savings Time arrived and my focus will be on immersing myself in the transitions along the way.


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