When I think about the events of the world since my last post, I realize I may have to post here more often. No matter. I enjoyed a three week break after the end of my first class mid-December. I received an A for my efforts. GPA is not the focus, however. Learning and flexibility are. What have I learned from these 10 weeks of class? My expectations were that I would put in study time and focus on adult education and maybe a way to incorporate play and adult learning theory. The reality is so much bigger, and better. Scholarly writing, learning to use databases and research, acquiring the habits and skills to make me a better reader, writer and person. As I go to the next class that starts this week, I am more proficient with the tools to help me along the way. I feel a bit more relaxed and confident. This class is Theory and Methods of Teaching Adults. We have projects instead of long, drawn out research papers. Yes! Recording video on Kaltura software and the final project is a power point presentation with video and the writing requirements. A welcome break from write, cite, write......
Capella University/SEI sent out a letter on Friday in response to the recent violence at the US Capitol. It is a sad day in our country, but education and human decency gives me hope. This was an attack on people that is uncalled for. Our University President quoted John Dewey, who wrote in 1916, that "Democracy must be reborn in each generation and education is its midwife." Words worth remembering. Our University President also wrote that Capella University believes that "rigorous debate of ideas coupled with a deep respect for each other is the foundation of both scholarly inquiry and democracy." As I look out into our backyard (photo above), Washington DC is thousands of miles away. Democracy and education however are right here, in my heart and in my passion for learning. I know that good will prevail, but there is a lot of work to do to get there, along with a constant reminder to stay focused. I need to stay focused these next 10 weeks for my class. Think and teach critically for "authentic collaborations to happen... only if teachers spend considerable time earning students' trust by acting democratically, fairly and respectfully toward them." (Stephen D. Brookfield, in Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, 2017, Jossey-Bass). Trust and being authentic. Stay flexible, learn to bend and compromise and stay true to the course. The weeks unfold.....
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